Foundational Prayers

Opportunities, News

As we prepare to transition into our new ministry center, you are invited to a prayer experience that we believe is part of the most practical and important work that we can do in these days.  On Saturday, January 30 and Sunday, January 31 we will open up the ministry center from 10:00 a.m. to noon both days for an …

Wanted: card writers for welcome ministry

Opportunities, News

Can you think of a better feeling then walking to your mailbox and getting your mail and seeing a handwritten letter addressed to you? Think back to the time you first visited Northstar and filled out a howdy card. You probably received one of our handwritten letters from some of our members of Northstar. It’s a special, personal touch that one of our teams …

Northstar Discipleship

Discipleship, Opportunities, News

Discipleship Matters It is clear throughout Jesus’ life that discipleship was incredibly important to him. So important, in fact, that it was included in some of his last words to his disciples before he left earth. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus says, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them …

Serve 2020

Opportunities, News

This Sunday, February 9, we’ll be highlighting opportunities for involvement and ministry within Northstar. From mundane to “magnificent,” the behind-the-scenes investment of 100s of volunteers enables us to be the church, to worship on Sundays and to reach out to our community (and the nations) as well as care for our members. We will have a table available and leaders …

How the World Stole Christmas presentation


Christmas is so much more than our culture makes it. More than setting out Christmas decorations in October. More than Black Friday and Cyber Monday. More than food, travel, and grandma’s house. It’s also more than grief and tears, heartache and loss. Christmas is more. On Wednesday evening, December 18, Kevin Seaton will be speaking about How the World Stole …

International Student Furniture Giveaway

Opportunities, Missions, News

Each year international students converge on the Baptist Collegiate Ministry building one Saturday morning before school starts. They come to receive FREE furniture as a combined ministry effort by the BCM and a group of churches and international ministries. When internationals move to Blacksburg, they usually have NO furniture for their apartments. This initiative helps them get settled in! All …

BE’N’GO: Disaster Relief mobilization

Opportunities, News

The following is mobilization information from Northstar members Jordan Tyrell and Bethany Teague about providing support and relief in New Bern, NC. If you are looking for a way to serve this weekend through Disaster Relief, please prayerfully consider participating. For more information on Disaster Relief, we partner with Southern Baptist agencies. [Link here for more information about Disaster Relief …

Seeking New Interns

News, Opportunities, College Ministry, GAP

Our Intern Team at Northstar Church is indispensable and always add so much to the life of our staff team! This semester, the team has included Andrew Cook, Joseph Hunter, AJ Persinger, Katie Rice, and Becca Tallman, and they have each contributed to the daily, inner workings of the church, as well as our big events like the Volunteer Appreciation …