College Senior Series: What To Expect When You’re Expecting.. To Graduate

News, College Ministry

Sunday Elective Series: What to Expect When You’re Expecting… To Graduate

As we approach graduation, so much about the coming stage of life is unknown. From the age of five, we have known what is coming next, and what to expect. Even in the transition to college, there is some security in knowing where you will be for the next four years, what you will be studying, and maybe even who some of your friends will be. Expecting to graduate from college however, looks a lot like not knowing what to expect. Where will I live? How will I pay my bills? How do I get my own insurance? How will I find community and make friends? What should I look for in a church? What will all of my friendships looks like once we are scattered across the country? If you have asked yourself any of these questions then this series is definitely a place for you.

Each week, we will have table leaders as well as panels of Northstar members from different professions and industries to share their experiences in the transition from graduation to real adult life. What does that mean for you? More than likely you will have the opportunity to talk with someone in the same career field you are pursuing; to get advice; to form a connection, and if there’s one thing Virginia Tech career fairs have taught us, it’s that connections are everything. Aside from that, you will have the chance to learn from professionals in the insurance industry, financial planning industry, ministry, and others that can help you to plan for your own future.

Overall, this will be a time of encouragement, and a reminder that when our identity is in Christ, the unknowns and the tough transitions become opportunities to shed light on His name. He is in all and above all, and “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

At A Glance:

  • What: Series for Junior and Senior College Students
  • When: Sundays, March 29 & April 5
  • Where: Blacksburg Middle School Library
  • Time: 10:30 a.m., a light breakfast will be available
  • RSVP: What To Expect