Crossroads Camp Final Update

Blog, Youth

I can’t believe that the week is already over! As I’m sitting back in Blacksburg reflecting on what the Lord did this past week, I am so humbled that he allowed myself and our wonderful leaders to be a part of it.

As we transition back into the real world, my prayer is that students wouldn’t forget the decisions that were made this past week and would continue to linger on the tough questions that were asked. I’ve encouraged each of them to continue to spend time with Jesus everyday through prayer and reading God’s word. I encouraged them to continue to stay connected and surround themselves with people that are going to challenge them to follow Jesus.

At Northstar youth, it is our desire that the leaders and myself would strive to equip the students with the tools they need and the guidance they need to follow Jesus in a world that is telling them not to. We all face things everyday that cause us to think and to doubt but it is my prayer that they believe the power of Jesus, by faith, and what he can do in their lives.

Thank you ALL for your support and prayers. This is not the end, but just the beginning of what the Lord is going to do!

Catch up on the rest of the week: