December Nights: The Sent Church


December Nights

The last Sunday of December Nights found us pondering the faithfulness of God.  Jesus sent his “unlikely to succeed” group of followers to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20) over two thousand years ago.  They (or rather He was) were obviously successful because we were gathered over six thousand miles away from Jerusalem as a group of people baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit learning how to obey everything he commanded. Wow!

God faithfulness was magnified when we considered the messiness and imperfection of the early church in scripture, the church in history, and even our own stories.  God’s faithfulness generated confidence to confess that inspire of our feelings of inadequacy we are sent.  We thanked God for how Northstar is full of imperfect people living sent in the New River Valley.

[Listen to the podcast here.]