For the first time ever, GAP will be hosting a Spring Retreat the weekend of April 17-19!

The GAP Fall Retreat is one of the most significant events GAP does during the year, and this year we have decided to try a retreat during the spring semester as well! This retreat will be in Princeton, WV in a beautiful, large house in a rural setting that will have plenty of room for everyone to spread out. Check out the location here!

The focus of this retreat will be worship and rest. There will be ample opportunity for worship through prayer, music, and reflection. For those that have attended fall retreats, this one will be a little different. The schedule will be much more relaxed to allow us to rest and spend time with the Lord. We’ll have time for hikes, naps, music, bonfires and more!

The cost will be $75/person and cover all the food and lodging. You can register by filling out this form. If you need any assistance in paying for the retreat, please indicate that on the form. There are limited spots so sign up early!

At a glance…

  • When: April 17-19
  • Where: Princeton, WV
  • What to do: Register by filling out this form, then pay Northstar Church $75 via check or Venmo (@northstarfamily). Put “GAP Spring Retreat” in the memo or description.