GAPnotes: Resolving to Be His Hands and Feet

News, GAP

New Year“Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.” ~Saint Teresa of Avila

The Bible references serving others more than 209 times; this is independent of references to be like Christ.  Reflecting on 2012 and anticipating 2013, I’ve considered what it would take to really live for Christ – to be his hands and feet.  Certainly spending time in prayer, devotion and worship are all part of it.  I’m grateful Northstar provides opportunities for each of us to fall deeper in love with Christ every week, but maybe there’s more.

During recent weeks I’ve had some down time and fewer plans than usual.  I found myself being interrupted by Christ.  I made space and time for Him to move in my life.  I made time to respond to him.  But 2013 brings meetings, projects, deadlines and plans.  Christ was willing to be interrupted.  How can I make it a priority to allow for interruptions in my life – for Christ to lead me in serving as his hands and feet?

I will resolve to be interrupted.  I will also resolve to get my hands dirty… serving the least of these, as we’re instructed in Matthew 25:40.  Serving with GAP this past semester has allowed me to observe how others show God’s love.  How they reflect His image.  How to set aside judgement and praise Him for the resources to meet the needs of clients and communities in the NRV.  In 2013 I hope to practice shining His light, and inspiring others to serve as well.

What will you resolve?  How will you serve as Christ’s hands and feet?

GAP’s Service Team provides weekly opportunities for service and continues to deepen relationships with partner ministries in the NRV who need our help.  Our focus is still food insecurity because the need continues to grow.  We have close to 30 hours of direct service opportunities each month that are now open for you to review and sign up for.  We hope you will consider making a commitment now to serve at least one hour per month with our partner ministries, in addition to service to Northstar Church.  Sign up as a small group, make it a date with a friend and enjoy coffee or a meal after you serve, or reach outside of your comfort zone and commit to serving now… and see what God has in store for you. Happy New Year!

By Sarah Hanks
