
Northstar Church is supported entirely by the generous giving of our members and regular attenders. This is a resource page mainly for members and regular attenders. We believe that as followers of Christ, our generous giving through offerings and ministry support is an act of joyful obedience and loving worship.

A few tips on giving:

  1. Give cheerfully! (2 Corinthians 9:7) We want your heart in it more than we want your gift. (We obviously are grateful for your gift!) But your motive for giving is deeply important for your full blessing. Give with thanks. Give with joy. Give with humility. Give in recognition of all that God has done for you.
  2. Give proportionally. (1 Corinthians 16:2, Malachi 3:10) The Old Testament principle is the tithe – 10%. Our church even practices this by giving away 10% of our expenses budget to other ministries and partners. The important thing is to give proportionally to how God is blessing and providing. And to also give in faith that He will provide! You’ll notice that as you give proportionally and regularly (our next point) that there will come a time that you don’t “notice” how much you’re giving. In those moments, consider whether you should increase or reevaluate your giving.
  3. Give regularly. (1 Corinthians 16:2) We encourage you to make a habit on days that you pay your bills of allowing your first check/payment to be your offering. It reflects your heart and priority. It makes a statement to yourself – that God has provided and that you want to thank Him for what He’s done. Giving regularly helps Northstar and other ministries to plan better, to be able to budget wisely, and it helps you not “spend first and give what’s left.”
  4. Give sacrificially. (2 Corinthians 8:2-5) There are times that God will call you to give more. To break your ingrained habit of giving a set amount to give more. To give above and beyond. And even to do without something you may enjoy in order to give something extravagant. This is done as God moves in your life on occasion to call you to give significantly.
  5. Give practically. In these days of online giving and transaction fees, it’s important to be practical. If you have a large gift, then consider using the mail or your bank’s online bill pay to avoid transaction fees involved with online.
  6. Give creatively. There will be times that you are able to give in other ways. It may be including Northstar in your will, selling something you own, deeding land, or even providing an endowment or scholarships for specific purposes.

How do I give to Northstar?

1. Mail it in:

Northstar Church
PO Box 1001
Blacksburg, VA 24063

2. Use Your Bank’s Online Bill Pay

Most banks offer online bill pay free of charge. You can set up Northstar Church as a recurring or one-time payee, and then submit your donation through your online bank account.

3. Online Giving

Simply click on the “Give Online” button on the right hand side of this webpage or visit

4.  Text to Give

This nice feature allows you to give wherever you are, as long as you have your cell phone with you. Here are the easy steps:

  1. Text any amount (i.e. 25 for $25) to 646-832-4848.
  2. Click on the link you receive, input our quickcode, Northstar , fill in your information, select the correct fund and submit the form.
  3. The next time you text an amount to the giving number, the gift will be processed immediately.
Benefits of online/text giving:
  • Online security.
  • The ability to set up a recurring gift for those busy seasons in life.
  • The ease of giving to multiple funds (Great for giving to missions at special times of the year!).
  • Syncs with your profile and giving information on MyNorthstar.
  • Accessible from anywhere your phone has service.

A note about fees associated with online/text giving:

When giving through any online platform, standard fees apply. When using our online giving platform, Faithstreet, you have the option to cover the processing fee for your gift. If you decide to cover the cost of the fee, your charitable giving statement will reflect the total gift, including the fee.

The joy of check writing

While allowing technology to serve you is certainly convenient, don’t neglect the joy of sitting down and manually writing out that check on occasion. In that simple “offline” process, you will experience the joy of generosity and blessing others. Thank you for your kind support of Northstar’s ministries!

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:7-)