God in the Ordinary


Have you ever had a seemingly ordinary moment turn into a God-moment? Not long ago, I placed several calls to strangers in order to obtain background checks for potential childcare workers. One of the men I spoke with was a chatty man in the most pleasant way possible, and he easily worked his faith into our conversation. The ease with which he did this was my first encouragement, both convicting and challenging me to improve my efforts of sharing God simply, intentionally, comfortably.

The official business completed, we chatted on a bit. When he mentioned his daughter was attending college to pursue speech therapy in some way, he expressed her concerns over if she would be able to share her faith well in any resulting jobs. In that moment, I saw my opportunity to encourage him and his daughter with our story.

Nearly ten years ago, my son received his first set of ear tubes at the age of two. Soon after, God introduced one of His many blessings into our lives–Susan. Susan came into our home once a week for nine months, working diligently to teach my son how to speak. Over those months, we discussed our beliefs and found them to be the same–rooted in Christ. Susan was often the sole person I would speak to in an entire week’s time, and became an incredibly supportive fixture in our lives at that time. I know beyond a doubt God hand-picked her for us. She taught my son words, but she gave me so much more.

As I shared this story with the gentleman on the phone, his voice altered a bit. I could hear the weight lifting from his shoulders. Moments later, he was thanking me for sharing, voicing how grateful he would be if I would allow him to share that bit of affirmation with his daughter. That was my second encouragement.

Shortly after, our conversation ended, but not before he had thanked me several times more. I have a feeling he called his daughter straightaway. My third encouragement came in the stillness after our phone call ended. In those moments, I began to ponder the amazing work God had done in my life specifically by sending Susan to our home.  He gave my child words. He provided a teacher and supportive woman in my home for an hour each week. He spoke wisdom through her to me. He orchestrated a situation that would hold on a decade before once again greatly blessing two more of His children by it. I’ve learned–am learning still–the beauty, foresight, and awesomeness in His great plans that come so often in the ordinary moments, and it is anything but ordinary.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” – Isaiah 55:8-9