I Am the Sketchy Tenant


I recently wrote 5 Reasons to Invite Someone to Church over on my blog, and the first reason I gave was that they will more than likely come! Seriously.

96% of the unchurched are at least somewhat likely to attend church if they are invited. We think that people are turned off by “church,” and so we say “no” for them rather than letting them say no.

In that spirit, I began asking people in my small group who had invited them to Northstar. As they began to answer, I knew I was onto something and decided to pull out my iPhone and capture the video.

Steve Bodtke’s response made me laugh. I am the sketchy tenant. When we moved to Blacksburg in 2009, he was the property manager of the home we leased. In our interactions, we established a respect relationship that grew into a friendship. Before too long, I had the great joy of also baptizing him and seeing him become a member of Northstar.

Call to Action

I’d love for you as a member or guest of Northstar to send me your 3-4 second video answering “who invited me to Northstar” so that we can create a longer video for added encouragement.

And by the way, the point is: invite someone to church for Passion Week services. After all, you were invited once too!