Immeasurably More Share Service


0106C718-9F47-430A-90AC-20698A934C2COn November 8, 2015, Northstar Church celebrated all God has done and continues to do through our Immeasurably More series by inviting our members and guests to share what they’d learned from the series. From the beginning of the campaign series, our heart was that the campaign would not be centered on a building but on our personal relationships with Jesus Christ.

The series was rooted in Ephesians 3:20-21 in order to remind us that ultimately it is God who enables us and inspires and provides:

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

The share service served as an opportunity for members and regular attenders to share how the campaign was impacting their life and the ways in which God was growing them in their faith. The service was broken into three sections to reflecting the sermon themes of the campaign – God’s Love, God’s Hope, God’s Grace, Contentment, and Commitment.

At the end of the service, members of our Leadership Board and a representative from National Bank of Blacksburg led a note-burning ceremony announcing that through the giving hearts of God’s people, the church was able to payoff the $575,000 land loan the future church will be built on. Jeff also announced that so far, a total of $1.5 million dollars has already been donated or has been committed to the Immeasurably More campaign over the next three years!

“Whether it is through finances, time, or talents, your commitment to Northstar does not simply commit to building a new building – your commitment allows Northstar to continue to impact the people’s for eternity,” (Kaylee Waldrop, Northstar Church intern)

We know that God is faithful and we are expectant of all He will continue to do through the Immeasurably More campaign. Thank you to those who have joined this journey alongside us!