Invest in Small Groups

Blog, Be The Church

Kuczmarski Small GroupAs summer comes to an end and we gear up for another busy season, I’ve spent time reflecting on the impact small group has had on my life.

My husband and I planned on “taking it easy” our first year of marriage. We were drained from being students and leaders and felt like a year away from any commitments would allow us to focus on our marriage. It turned out, as God’s plans came to fruition, what we really needed was to be involved and surrounded by an authentic community of believers.

Rob, my husband, and I had no idea what we were getting into when we agreed to lead a Young Couples small group. As we prepared for our first small group, we made a conscious decision to be real about the struggles we were facing as a couple. We noticed how that created an environment that enabled our group to be open and supportive.

Throughout the year our small group pushed us to love God and one another more because we saw how God surrounded us with people being challenged in similar ways. We built friendships to enjoy Taco Tuesdays and game nights with and are incredibly grateful for the ways God continues to use it to strengthen our marriage and deepen our relationships within Northstar.

So as you think about this upcoming semester we pray you will invest in your spiritual walk by finding a small group that works for you.

~Contributed by Meghan Kuczmarski