Just What DOES a Church Staff Person Do?

Blog, Be The Church

be-the-church logoHave you ever wondered exactly what it is that a church staff person does? The pastor just preaches a sermon on Sunday, right? And the youth minister spends a little bit of time with our kids once a week or so… Really, how hard is it to organize a few small groups?

There is so much going on behind the scenes on any given day within ministry. There are private meetings for congregants seeking counsel on sensitive topics, research for sermons and editing of children’s curriculum, planning and organizing who gets to use what space when, for how long, and is there enough toilet paper in house? Or maybe it’s planning one’s daily life around the local college’s schedule and needs, or reviewing the sermon notes to create meaningful questions that will encourage, challenge, and grow a wide array of persons involved in small groups.

Let’s not forget about Sunday morning prep! Are the announcements correct and up to date? Are they all there? What about music? Do we have all the cables and stuff needed (let’s face it, yours truly has no idea what all is involved when it comes to technology and the setting up of musical things). Is someone bringing the updated signs? Did we get all the bulletins printed and folded before the machine jammed irreparably? Did we print the right number, because, to be honest, some of us may be worried about wasting too much paper while others are worried about not having enough for everyone to have a bulletin. Did anyone talk to and connect with the new people who came through the doors for the first time, or what about that person who looks so downcast and depressed? Did someone check in with him?

Did I yet mention social media? Did this group get created? Is there a page for this event? How many people plan to show up for these gatherings, and did we buy enough food to cover everybody? Have we answered all the emails quickly infiltrating our inboxes?

There are truly so many tasks that are filled by those in ministry, many of which we may never know. They take others’ burdens and shoulder them as their own while also juggling countless tasks that must be done. Pressure is applied to them from all sides. Somehow, a thing of beauty emerges, much like a diamond, and we should stop for a bit to appreciate it.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Please join the staff support team throughout the month of October in showing your appreciation! There will be a table in the office reception area where you can leave a note of thanks, gift card, or edible goodies for the staff to enjoy. Thank you in advance for your encouragement of those who serve in ministry!