Meet Dave Farris


Though Pastor Appreciation Month is technically over, we still want to take time to appreciate and get to know our church staff. Today we get to know Northstar Pulaski’s campus pastor, Dave Farris!

Dave is the Campus Pastor of Northstar Pulaski.

Dave is the Campus Pastor of Northstar Pulaski.

Dave received his Bachelor’s degree in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism/Outdoor Recreation from Radford University and went on to get an MA in Pastoral Leadership/Church Planting from Cincinnati Christian University. People may not know that he took drafting while he was in high school with the intention of pursuing an architecture path once he got to college.

Dave and his wife, Mandy, went on their first date on December 19, 1997. “We saw the movie Titanic. So we’ve lived happily ever after since Rose told Jack she wouldn’t let go.” Their oldest son, Jeremiah, officially became a teenager last Sunday as he hit the age of 13. “But he’s acted like one for the last three years,” says Dave. “Thomas will be nine in November and Caroline turned four in September.” All three of Dave and Mandy’s kids have blue eyes and he says, “Although they bring Mandy and I great joy, they are also a daily reminder of how much we need Jesus to shape their lives!”

In three words, Dave describes himself as approachable, determined, and competitive. When asked about his favorite book, he responds with a question of his own: “Couldn’t you at least break this down into categories?” He says the book that has been most formative for him is Next Generation Leader by Andy Stanley. A book that’s been the most practical for leadership is The Three Signs of a Miserable Job by Patrick Lencioni. Finally, he says a game changer for his marriage has been Love & Respect by Emerson Eggerichs.

When Dave and his family initially found themselves at Northstar Church, he says it was because “I overslept and couldn’t make it to our intended church.” He describes Northstar as loving, equipping, and intentional. Of his work with Northstar and with planting the Pulaski campus, he says, “If you want your hair to turn gray, try church planting. But, seriously, it has been a joy and I cannot see myself doing anything else.” He says that, lately, God has been showing him that He is faithful, “even when I am not.”

Other than Jesus, Dave says that Peter is his favorite biblical figure. “Because he is opinionated, impulsive, relentless, and yet has a huge faithful heart buried deep inside.” Dave also says that he draws inspiration from Jude 1:24-25, which says, “Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.”