Member Spotlight: Meet Sarah


member_spotlight4Up next in our member spotlight is Sarah Bell. As an invested woman in Northstar, Sarah is a vital component of the Sunday morning prayer team, helps with the building campaign team, and participates in a small group. She also displays her compassionate heart in the community at Winterfrost Farm in Radford, VA, helping with horses that have been rescued. When you see her around church or town, introduce yourself to this amazing young woman!


What do you do for work?

I work in commercial construction as a project engineer for Gilbane Building Company. I, along with my other team members, manage the majority of renovation projects across the Virginia Tech Campus.

What is your family like?

My current household consists of me, my cat, Samson, and my IMG_2251horse, Ice Man (don’t worry, my horse lives in a field outside, but only because my house is too small for him.) As I walk through life, I consider my family as not limited to who and what lives in my house, but instead who I am  walking through life with. And if you look at my family through that lens, it is quite extensive and diverse.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Anywhere in the country villages of Europe (preferably a motorcycling trip across multiple countries.) Europe has such a rich history that has influenced our world and cultures, yet it has seemingly retained much of its quaintness and charm. It would be awesome to see the history    and experience the different nuances in culture from country to country.

 How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Easily Distracted, Compassionate

What is something very few people know about you?

I was baptized in the Jordan River while visiting Israel as a young girl.

How would you describe Northstar in 3 words?

Young, Fun, Genuine

Why do you attend Northstar?

When I moved to Blacksburg three years ago, Northstar was a perfect fit for me as a recent graduate looking to connect with other young adults. The GAP group, solid teaching, and the worship services originally drew me to Northstar. I continue to build relationships with various church members, old and new, and I grow increasingly excited in seeing what God is doing- and will do- through the individuals and church body as a whole. There are greater things to come, and I am happy to be a part of it.

What bible verse do you draw the most inspiration from?

“The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8

This verse reminds me that I want to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and obedient to His word, to never be stagnant, and to be willing to move when He tells me to move in all aspects of my life.

Other than Jesus, who is your favorite biblical character and why?

I’m not sure I can choose one favorite biblical character. That’s like asking me to choose what my favorite food is (all food 🙂 ). However, one of the people I am most fond of in the Bible is Rahab. A Canaanite prostitute, she recognized the sovereignty of God, repented, risked her life to serve God, and was ultimately adopted by the Israelite people. Because of her faith, the Lord  blessed her by writing her into the lineage of Jesus as seen in Matthew 1. I love how the Lord  uses the most unlikely people to fulfill His purposes, and in doing so demonstrates His glory

What is something that God has been teaching you recently? 

Most recently, the Lord has been teaching me to rest in His goodness, to find peace in His faithfulness, to accept His love freely, and to remember that my value is priceless.