Men At Work – Darrell Cook


This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series Faith at Work

Men At Work is a gathering for the purpose of encouragement, fellowship, and fun for Northstar men and their friends and co-workers happening Friday, March 3. To find out more click here.

The Men At Work Series is a way to promote the event and get to know each other at the same time. The first few spotlights will feature members of the Immeasurably More team.

The Cooks, as they are affectionately known around Northstar, have been with the church since its earliest days.  They were a part of the first Northstar worship service and you can still see them at Blacksburg Middle School almost every Sunday. Darrell is another Northstar guy in this series who has served in about every area of the church possible. He is currently overseeing communications for the Immeasurably More team.

Darrell has served as the campus minister of the Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) of Virginia Tech for nineteen years and has been in collegiate ministry for twenty-six years total. Darrell felt a “call to ministry” at an early age but really committed to vocational ministry during his own involvement in the BCM as student at Virginia Tech. His vision for Tech students is “After God’s Heart, in Community, and on Mission.” Darrell explained that everything the BCM does is to encourage students to be live in relationship with Christ, be in community with others believers, and to live to make Christ known at Tech and in the world. Darrell knows he is on the frontline of the age where young people either go after Jesus or relegate faith to a subcategory of their life. He knows that he is developing the church leaders of tomorrow and takes that role very seriously. He said that he wants all his student leaders to leave college with a love and hope for and a commitment to the local church.

Q. What is challenging about leading the Baptist Collegiate Ministry at Virginia Tech? 

A. Relevance. While the purpose of the BCM has relevance for every generation I have to work to continue to effectively connect with collegiates and be a student of students. 

Q. Since it is an assumption that you are a Christ-follower in your vocation, is it fair to ask you how being a Christ follower impacts your job?

A. Yes. I think there is a misconception that it is somehow easier to “walk with Jesus” in a ministry vocation. The reality is that all Christians have to be intentional to cultivate an ongoing relationship with Jesus to see a difference in their daily life.

John 15:4 (ESV) “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.”

Want to Read More in this Series?<< Men At Work – Tim HagedornFaith at Work: Bobby Grisso >>