Men At Work – Travis Jessee

Blog, Be The Church

This entry is part 2 of 6 in the series Faith at Work

Men At Work is a gathering for the purpose of encouragement, fellowship, and fun for Northstar men and their friends and co-workers happening Friday, March 3. To find out more click here.

The Men At Work Series is a way to promote the event and get to know each other at the same time. The first few spotlights will feature members of the Immeasurably More building team.

Travis Jessee and his wife, Jennifer, joined Northstar in November of 2015. They jumped into serving almost immediately and, most recently, Travis has been an important part of Immeasurably More by serving on the building team.

Like many men at Northstar, Travis’ career is what brought him to the NRV area. Travis is an architect by trade (VT trained, BTW), but is currently a Project Manager for Virginia Tech. According to Travis, his job is to make sure the university’s goals and the user goals are met in the construction and renovation of new buildings on campus. If you have been on or around campus lately you realize Travis has been busy since it seems there is construction everywhere. According to Travis, overseeing the renovation or construction of a building requires him to work with a wide range of people, including faculty, staff, general contractors, subcontractors, and inspectors.

Travis loved to draw and decided to become an architect at an early age. While in the 6th grade a newspaper article was written about Travis and his dream to become an architect and since then he hasn’t looked back.  The challenge and desire to be involved in all aspects of the construction process is what drew into project management.

Q. What is challenging about being a Project Manager?

A. Communication. I get to be an intermediary between the construction side and the end user side so I have to learn to speak to each group in a way they understand. I have also learned the need to understand how people receive information, some people prefer e-mail, others need face to face conversation. The need to get to know people personally is important.

Q. How does being a Christ follower impact what/how you do at work?

A. Patience and perspective. Having an eternal perspective helps me handle the pressures inherent in my work. I know that, even if I “mess up,” Jesus still loves me and the sun will come up tomorrow.

Colossians 3:23-24 (ESV) – “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”

Want to Read More in this Series?<< My Workplace Is My MinistryMen At Work – Tim Hagedorn >>