Coming up on the weekend of November 11-12, we hope you will plan to join us for Missions Weekend, when we are reminded that God’s heart for the nations is a part of the core values of Northstar Church.

This is our annual celebration of how God is building His kingdom around the world and closer to home. We will have the opportunity to hear from guest speaker, Sean Cooper, from The Traveling Team, as he shares how God has used people in missions, talk to our ministry partners that will be there, and much more.

We will kick things off on Saturday, November 11, with a Q&A and lunch event at 11:00 a.m. This will give us an opportunity to hear from Sean and ask questions about what The Traveling Team is doing.

The weekend will continue with Missions Sunday, when we will have one service at 10:00 a.m. During the morning, we will have tables set up for everyone to visit with numerous ministry partners. The service will be followed by a special lunch in the Blacksburg Middle School cafeteria.

We hope that you will plan on joining us for this special weekend and that you will be challenged and encouraged to fully participate in the mission that God has called us into.

At a glance…

  • Saturday, November 11, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., at the Northstar Reserve. Consider this a preview and Q&A as Sean spends the morning sharing a glimpse of what God is doing around our world and sets the stage for his address to Northstar on Sunday morning. [RSVP here; lunch provided!] Let us know if you need childcare.
  • Sunday, November 12, 10:00 a.m. at Blacksburg Middle School. There will be dozens of mission agencies and ministries for a missions fair both before and after the service! Come see how Northstar is investing itself in other ministries and discover ways to be involved globally. Sean will be the featured speaker during the worship service.
  • Sunday, 11:30 a.m., BMS Cafeteria. This will be a special follow-up gathering for those interested in learning how they can be personally involved in God’s global purposes. Sean will share practical ideas and provide guidance for “next steps.” An “international” lunch will be provided for participants. [RSVP here!]