Mommy, My Backpack Is Too Heavy!


Honor and thanks be to the Lord, Who carries our heavy loads day by day. He is the God Who saves us. – Psalm 68:19 NLV

“Mommy, my backpack is too heavy!” Sully complained.

“You only have to carry it a little ways. If it’s too heavy, let me carry it,” I remind him as we make our way out the door for school. He quickly takes me up on my offer and happily hands me his overloaded backpack, skipping out the door, no longer burdened by his heavy load.

Like my young son, I sometimes complain about my heavy load. But my heavy load isn’t an overloaded backpack, it’s an overloaded soul. The stresses and pulls of our daily, earthly life can leave us feeling heavy, burdened.

Like the reminder I gave Sully, I find reminders of God’s willingness to carry my heavy load in His Word. David sang these praises, “Honor and thanks be to the Lord, Who carries our heavy loads day by day. He is the God Who saves us (Psalm 68:19 NLV).” The words of the prophet Isaiah remind me, “For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, ‘In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength (Isaiah 30:15 ESV).'” And Jesus himself said, Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light (Matthew 11:29-30 ESV).”

“Jenny, if it’s too heavy, let me carry it.” This is the invitation His Spirit whispers to me. Is He whispering the same invitation to you?

May the prayer of our overloaded souls be, Lord God, may we return to You and rest in quietness. May we trust that You are gentle and willing can carry our heavy loads for us.”

In exchange for our surrendered prayer, He will give us peace, rest and a lighten soul. We may even feel like skipping!