On Vision Sunday, September 13, 2015, we were delighted and stunned as a church family to discover a rainbow on our church land! With tents set up for that special dedication Sunday, we received the news with joy and considered it a sign of God’s promise for the days ahead. (Check out Carolyn’s post about that special rainbow sighting.)

This afternoon, we received a text from Mandy Farris. Her husband Dave is pastor of Northstar Pulaski. One of their friends had driven by the new church this afternoon and snapped the following pictures:


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I was driving home and saw this beautiful rainbow over the new Northstar building in Blacksburg. So I thought you might want to have a picture of God’s promise on your ministry. ❤️ ~ Karen Myers

God has a sweet sense of blessing, doesn’t He?!

Thanks, Karen, for recording this special moment!