From a fundraising perspective, we are very aware that things are about to get very real.

Trey & Rebecca Moore

Not that things haven’t already been real as we as a church have been trusting God for millions of dollars, but with the interviews of contractors happening, it is even more clear that this project will be a reality soon. And just as the Northstar Ministry Center will soon be a reality, so too will our annual debt service be a reality.

Our finance team with Immeasurably More and our stewardship team with the church have done a great job of helping prepare us for what our annual budget will be like when that debt service begins. The thought of that debt service is daunting. The thought of what we still need to raise for the Northstar Ministry Center to be paid in full is daunting. But we are reminded of the reality that ultimately it isn’t us that will raise the funds we need. It is the Lord.

He is faithful. He will see to it that His people are provided for, and more than that, He will see to it that His name is made known in the NRV and beyond. I hope you are comforted in that as well.

The Lord has already provided $2.85 million dollars in our Immeasurably More Campaign. That is astounding! And it is only half of what we anticipate needing. Please join with me in praying for God’s continued provision for Northstar Church, and please join with me in prayerfully considering what your role might be in helping that provision come to fruition.