We asked our church family to submit their reflections and thoughts about the Immeasurably More process. We’re calling them “Rooted Moments.” Many thanks to Sarah Smith for her thoughts:

It’s very evident that God is using Northstar church in the New River Valley. I’ve seen and experienced some of the most healthy and genuine relationships within our church community. God has mobilized the people of our church in a way that is infectious. The relationships we have built through the church have provided so many doors to reach out into the community further than we could have on our own. I’m constantly encouraged to BE the church through my small group and it’s been a true blessing to share that growth with my church friends.

Over the past few months, God has been convicting me with questions about faith and prayer. Recently, God has used what he taught me to build a foundation for my prayers about Immeasurably More. We (Ethan and I) have been challenged and humbled through this experience and are putting our faith in God. We are excited and honored to be a part of this movement and cannot wait to see how God uses the church once we have a building.

This campaign has encouged us to view generousity in a different way. We’ve seen opportunities to give in so many places and have begun to ask God to lead us and show us where our place is in His plan. God has taught me that generousity is a beautiful gift. I’d say that this campaign has brought me closer to God through questions about faith and generousity and prayer.