Financing Approved

The church approved securing a loan for Northstar’s new ministry center at the membership meeting back in November 2016. This past May 30, our church trustees – Jim Rancourt, John Shockley, and Bobby Grisso – met at Spicer, Olin, and Associates, P.C. to complete the paperwork for Northstar’s construction loan with the National Bank of Blacksburg.  This was a significant moment for Northstar as we celebrate the very real beginning of the beginning of construction.

Jim Rancourt is the main leader of the Immeasurably More Team. He had been patiently putting all the pieces and people together for several months. We are praying that God will provide every penny to pay the cost of the new building so that we will be able to pay off the loan rapidly! We still are in awe about how God provided the money to pay off the land loan in less than a year!

It is a time to celebrate!