Pastor Jeff Noble

It’s November 1, and that question was one I asked our contractor at our last value-engineering meeting on October 22. “Where are the bulldozers?!”

In our summer meetings with the architect and contractor, our target date for beginning to see “the dirt fly” was in October. It was why we held our Dig In Celebration Sunday in late August – so that we could still meet on the land. But at that meeting in late October, I sat there listening as they described the permitting process. Apparently you need all kinds of permission to begin digging on land that you own. 😉

We’ve been assured that we will see bulldozers this month. As the site begins to be leveled and prepped for construction, the next 12-14 months are deeply important for us as a church family. As we approach the days of construction, we are 1/2 towards our financial goal of $6 million.

Will you pray with and for us?

We are eager to see how God blesses and guides us during the rest of the permitting process and the different phases of construction. Pray for favor with all our subcontractors. Pray for unexpected discounts on materials. Pray for volunteers to step forward at key times. Pray for our building team as they are meeting every two weeks at 6:00 a.m. and then for their ongoing meetings with the contractor/architects.


The building team would love to respond to your questions as well! Please feel free to use the form below to submit them!

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