We continue to be amazed and grateful by how our members and guests are giving to our Immeasurably More campaign. In 2017 so far, the building fund has received $457,168! This has come from over 90 different families/individuals. We are thankful for how God is working through regular, generous gifts.

Since 2015, over 150 people have joined Northstar! It’s exciting to see how our church continues to grow even as we say goodbye to at least that many people each year through graduation, job transitions and relocation! What that means is we have a large group of people in Northstar today that were not present in October 2015 when we invited our members to make commitments to the building campaign.

Our great challenge with so much transition is to continue to communicate our future plans and current needs to both our new members and guests, and to encourage our Northstar alumni to “give back” for a season of their lives after they transition from Northstar.

We must inform and encourage new members and guests to invest in our future as well as invite former members to consider giving back for a season.

Our vision for our ministry center is bigger than what we can do. We’ve known that from the start.

God has provided over $2.7 million since the launch of our campaign in 2015, and we are now in a position to proceed with seeking financing (and beginning construction!) in 2018! What an exciting and humbling time for our church!

In October, I began to pray for that God would provide 30 new commitments to our Immeasurably More campaign.

I don’t know where these new commitments would come from, but I would think the most natural sources are:

  1. Members who have joined since 2015 and have not made a commitment yet
  2. Northstar alumni
  3. Friends of Northstar (organizations, family of students, or others who love and support our church)

I am not concerned about the amount committed but seeing simple joy of seeing those who love what God is doing through Northstar encouraging the church by an investment into our future.

My family made a commitment in 2015 to give through October 2018 to the Immeasurably More campaign, and I am thankful for how others are giving. It’s amazing how God is moving!

If you have not done so, I’d like to invite you to prayerfully consider giving in 2018 to our campaign. Should you decide to do so, please indicate your commitment here.