New Member Spotlight: Brian Lindamood


This entry is part 35 of 37 in the series New Member Spotlight

Tell the church little about yourself

I’m a retired Soldier – 32 years on active duty. We have two daughters – Emily (30) and Aimee (27). Susan and I moved here after I retired. I’m an LSU alum and a rabid college (SEC) football and baseball fan.

What brought you to Blacksburg?

Work – our company won the contract to operate Radford Army Ammunition Plant. I came up as part of the transition team and ended up staying.

Why are you excited about being the church with Northstar?

Seeing a church focused on witness and answering God’s call to service.

Tell us about your previous church and ways you were able to serve.

I grew up in the United Methodist Church. I’ve served on church councils, trustees committees, and missions committees. I  have been a senior high youth educator. I enjoyed 12 years on Young Life staff in various places. I’m happy to fill any role required.

What is your favorite hobby?

I love to fish and cook. I’m an active member of the Fishers of Men National Tournament Trail. I love cooking for big crowds!  Bigger is always better.

What’s your favorite story of Jesus?

My favorite story of Jesus  is his exchange with the others guys being crucified on Calvary. A man who had lived his entire life in darkest sin found grace as his time on this earth was ending. Jesus’ act of compassion in his final minutes gives us the most powerful insight into the magnitude and reach of God’s grace.

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