New Member Spotlight: Laura Jordan


This entry is part 24 of 37 in the series New Member Spotlight

Not only is Laura Jordan a new member, she is a new Sunday Serve Team volunteer!  We love when new members jump into helping get ready for worship. You will enjoy getting to know a little about her through her membership spotlight.

What brought you to Blacksburg?

I started at Virginia Tech in the fall of 2014, and graduated in the spring of 2018 in Human Development and two minors!

Why are you excited about being the church with Northstar?

I am excited with “being the church” with Northstar because I’ve always thought it was important to get involved and help out in some way in the church! It is even better when everyone does it, because it makes everyone connected and everyone have community that is committed to helping each other grow in our faith!

Tell us about your previous church and ways you were able to serve (or how you are or hope to serve at Northstar?).

During college I went to BBC (Blacksburg Baptist Church). This was a good experience for me, but because I was involved in Cru at Virginia Tech as a Bible study leader I wasn’t as involved in many other church activities other than service. I did have a few opportunities to serve at BBC, but I’m looking forward to more here at Northstar  I have helped with set up team once and hope to more in the future! Growing up I went to First Baptist in Roanoke.

What is your favorite hobby?

I’m not so great with “favorites,” but I would say I am a people person and love being with friends, whether that means watching tv/movies with my roommates, playing a board game, hiking/doing things outdoors, or going on adventures to new places I haven’t been!

How would you rate Jeff on the humorous scale of 1- funniest pastor I have ever had but looks aren’t everything  to 10 – He genuinely makes me laugh.

I would say this is a hard scale to go on but so far he seems pretty funny especially when he got daylight saving wrong, haha! So I’d say an 8!

What is one of your favorite sayings or teachings of Jesus?

Ugh, as I said before I’m not great with favorites. If I said something here I’d just be trying to pick one! Not sure yet on my favorite teaching of Jesus because there are just so many good ones, haha!

If you see Laura before or after the worship service be sure to say hi and thank her for helping with set up.

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