New Member Spotlight: Megan Lee


This entry is part 7 of 37 in the series New Member Spotlight

Welcome back to a new feature on the Northstar blog where we take a moment to welcome and get to know some of our newest church members! In this post, we meet Megan Lee!

What is your year and major in school?
I am a junior majoring in Biology and minoring in French.

What brought you to Blacksburg/Virginia Tech?
I came to Blacksburg for school (Virginia Tech), and the main thing that I heard from everyone was that the community here was great. Though I was skeptical as a freshman, I became overwhelmed with the warmth and compassion that I was graced with by the people of Blacksburg, including my peers, those who welcomed me to Cru, and Northstar Church.

Why are you excited about being the church with Northstar?
I am excited about ‘being the church,’ because Blacksburg has given me so much, and to be able to join the body of Christ and serve not only one another but also the people of this town means a lot and I know it will speak volumes into God’s love–that we are able to love in such ways because he first loved us.

Tell us about your previous church and in what ways did you serve?
I did not go to church prior to college, as I became saved in November of 2016, so Northstar is the first church I can really call home and start to involve myself in!

We are so excited to welcome Megan into our Northstar family! If you haven’t had a chance to meet her yet, be sure to look for her on Sunday morning! Megan was recently baptized, so be sure to check out her testimony video below!

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