New Member Spotlight: Meredith Bullard


This entry is part 5 of 37 in the series New Member Spotlight

Welcome to a new feature on the Northstar blog where we take a moment to welcome and get to know some of our newest church members! In this post, we meet Meredith Bullard!

Tell the church a little about yourself…
I completed my undergraduate degree (a BS in Civil Engineering) in May 2017 at NC State. I love all things Wolfpack and you’ll often see me wearing red and white instead of the all-too-familiar maroon and orange. My loyalties will always lie with my alma mater! At Northstar, I’m involved with the GAP ministry and am leading a small group. Hospitality is one of my spiritual gifts (I got it from my Grandma), and I have a feeling that if you mention my name around Jeff, he’ll mention the pound cakes that I love to bake. I’m always in search of new recipes — baking is one of my stress relievers!   

What brought you to Blacksburg/Virginia Tech
I’m working on getting a PhD in Civil Engineering! My research area is Environmental and Water Resources with a focus in groundwater dynamics and transport. When I visited VT in March of 2017, my tour guide said “you came here on an abnormally warm weekend” — I didn’t realize how right she was until this past winter! I had to go home and ask my parents for a “real coat” for Christmas. I liked VT because it seemed like the “NC State of Virginia”. The culture was exactly what I was looking for, plus it’s close enough to Raleigh that I can still go to NC State football games! 🙂

Why are you excited about being the church with Northstar?
I believe that one of God’s greatest gifts to us is community! Together, we are able to see a fuller picture of God than we could in isolation. I also love the heart that Northstar has for our community and that they want us as members to work together to reach the people around us. I’m excited to see what God continues to do through our church as we continue to individually grow in our love relationship with Him!

Tell us about your previous church and ways you were able to serve:
Aversboro Road Baptist Church – Garner, NC; I served as a leader in my youth group in middle school and high school and then was able to come back in college and lead Bible studies and retreat weekends. I also served as a chaperone for many a youth trip when I was in college! At NC State I was involved with Cru and led a small group for girls a year below me.

We are so excited to welcome Meredith into our Northstar family! If you haven’t had a chance to meet her yet, be sure to look for her on Sunday morning! Maybe you can convince her to share her pound cake recipe!

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