New Member Spotlight: Rob Swearingin


This entry is part 17 of 37 in the series New Member Spotlight

“What happened to the green house?” was a question John Shockley asked me before a leadership meeting.  My response was to ask him what he meant. He then told me that he had driven past it on the way to the meeting, and someone had mowed, weed-eated, and generally cleaned up the property which had been looking unkept and uncared for a month or so. Then I remembered that Rob Swearingin, a brand new member, had asked if it would be ok if he cleaned up the green house and the property around it. I said sure but really didn’t think he would do it so quickly and so well.

Northstar is fortunate to have a lot of members like Rob Swearingin.  Take a few minutes to read Rob’s responses to the New Member Spotlight.

Tell us a little about yourself:

I was raised in a small farming community in Carrollton, MO, which is about an hour outside of Kansas City, MO.  I have moved our family many times due to my career, but the move to this area was personal.  My wife Lori and I wanted to be in a mountain area on the east coast and fell in love with Virginia and the Blacksburg community.   We moved here in August of 2012, and we have three daughters and one grand-daughter.  I am a big Kansas City Chiefs Fan.

What or who brought you to Northstar?

I was saved at church camp at 12 years old and baptized shortly after. It has always been important to find a church home to plug into and serve. I started visiting churches in the New River Valley for several years and found Northstar’s website and visited. As I kept searching churches, I kept feeling led to go back to Northstar. There was a great atmosphere, everyone always made me feel welcome, and the preaching was straight from God’s word. I only visited churches that had the core believe’s I feel are important for me and my family.

Where is the best place in Blacksburg to go out to dinner?

My wife and I like to split a steak at Texas Roadhouse. Our favorite Mexican is Rivera in Pembroke and Bull & Bones.

What makes living in Blacksburg different than where you grew up?

Actually the small town feel reminds me of home. The difference is we have mountains here.   There is also a lot more diversity and culture here than where I grew up and is part of the draw to this area in my opinion.

What is your favorite family tradition?

I come from a large family. Dad had six sisters and three brothers.  There are 35 of us grand-children and many, many great grand-children.  We all meet the last Saturday in June each year for the Swearingin Family Reunion. This year will be #40. We have always been a close family, and most of the family lives within two hours of the family farm back in Missouri.

What is your favorite thing about Northstar?

I love the atmosphere and the people and the mission of “being the church”.  It is nice to see a church with so many volunteers and family’s diving in to serve. Straight preaching of the word, accountability and strong leadership with Jeff and his staff.

What is one thing that you have learned since coming to Northstar?

The importance of an intentional personal relationship with Jesus. I am continually encouraged and reminded to be in the word and to seek to grow that personal relationship from Northstar members and staff.   

Where are you currently serving in Northstar and what is it like to serve there?

I kept hearing about the new church building coming soon. I wanted to get involved so I drove by the property. I was curious.   God really led me to ask if I could help out with cleanup of the new church property around the Green House, etc. I reached out to Pastor Neal, which led to meeting Jim Rancourt on property stuff, and we got started. Within 4-6 weeks we had a Men’s Work Day at the property, and I got to meet a lot of great folks – not to mention I am now meeting several men for breakfast a few times a month. God will bless you and others when you serve, it has been awesome!

If you see a guy wearing a Kansas City Chiefs jacket, it is probably Rob. Say hi, and thank him for all the work he has been doing.

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