New Member Spotlight: Taylor Duncan


This entry is part 3 of 37 in the series New Member Spotlight

Tell us a little about yourself:

I grew up in Pulaski County and both my parents worked for VT for as long as I can remember, so I was pretty familiar with VT, which was a big draw. The vet school is also a big draw as that’s my ideal career.

What or who brought you to Northstar?

In undergrad, when I couldn’t go to Pulaski for church, I would come to Northstar with a few friends from the BCM. Now that I’m in grad school, I have less time to drive all the way to Pulaski, so I thought I’d get more plugged in to Northstar.

Where is the best place in Blacksburg to go out to dinner?

On campus – Owen’s alfredo is absolutely wonderful. Off campus – I like to order Domino’s pepperoni pizza with alfredo sauce.

What makes living in Blacksburg different than where you grew up?

In Pulaski, my house is in the middle of the woods, 30+ minutes from any type of civilization, so the constant noise of traffic and being so close to people was a big change for me.

What is your favorite family tradition?

My family is really spread out, so whenever we meet up for something that’s not holidays we choose a state and spend 2 weeks touring it.

What is your favorite thing about Northstar?

The feel of being mobile. I thought it was really cool when we couldn’t meet at the middle school because of Florence but we were able to find a place to meet on such short notice.

What is one thing that you have learned since coming to Northstar?

I’ve learned a lot of historical and cultural knowledge about stories in the Bible that has helped my understanding of them.

Where are you currently serving in Northstar and what is it like to serve there?

Currently my only method of serving Northstar is through regular tithes. As I get more settled in to grad school and a new church, I am searching and praying for the right spot to serve.


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