Northstar is…


Our church is located in Blacksburg, Virginia. We are fortunate to live, work, and worship in a community that is situated against the breathtaking backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Our faith family is a dynamic mixture of young adults, families and internationals. Virginia Tech, Radford University, grad and medical and veterinarian school students all worship with us and are members. The many growing families with children of all ages continue to make an impact in our church and community. We have two locations: in Blacksburg and in Pulaski. Although we are physically located in southwest Virginia, we know that the community we serve is a global one. As a church, we have a heart for all the nations, not just ours.

It’s hard to describe our church in just one word. So, instead of using just one word we used a lot of words–all chosen by members and regular attenders from Northstar. You see, a church isn’t a building and it also isn’t just a group of people. A church, and our church, is The Body of Christ.

“For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” Romans 12:4-5

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