Prayers needed as three services begin

Be The Church

By Jeff Noble

Wow. Three morning services? Really?

We’ve talked, met and prayed since last spring about what we sensed God is doing in our faith family. We shared together our fears about the loss of intimacy in our church family as we continue growing. We expressed our joy in being able to minister to students and internationals while at the same time, we shared our concern that our families could get overwhelmed in the growth.

That was before we began the fall with over 700 precious people sent to us by God, including our 180ish core members. As a church, we are in the middle of something glorious. God is moving. Lives are being transformed. We are hearing consistent stories of salvation, transformation and repentance.

We are also in the middle of somewhat organized… chaos. We are being stretched in ways like never before. In fact, we need your prayers now. Not just “God, give them wisdom” prayers while you’re driving. We need your hit-the-carpet, fall-on-your-face, pray-with-your-spouse-on-your-couch prayers. Please.

God is doing a great work.

Our efforts to continue ministering to all whom He brings us take a new turn this weekend as we begin three morning services. 8:30, 10:00 & 11:45 a.m. Our worship teams are ready (we think). Our staff and volunteers are ready (we think). I’m ready (I think). What we really need though at this point, is your prayers.

We’ll come back in the days and weeks ahead with needs that many consider to be more “practical.” But at this point, the real, genuine, heartfelt need that is both powerful and practical is your prayer.

One more thing

As we continue to grow, the ability to hear from you what God is doing is more challenging. We are creating some online ways for you to share what God is up to in your lives, beginning with our small groups. If you are growing or being challenged or encouraged in your small group, could you stop by this link and share a story with us? It will be published on the site as a continuing blog record with others.

It’s our hope that this continuing testimony will bring great glory to God and bring others to Him in faith as they read and hear of your sweet experiences in grace and faith.