See the Sign! Send a Selfie!

Blog, Be The Church

Have you driven by Northstar’s property recently?

Sign SelfieIf you haven’t, drop everything you’re doing right now and take a drive down Prices Fork Road!

Okay, don’t really do that. Whatever you’re doing at the moment is probably really important. Unless you’ve already dropped everything you’re doing to read this blog post. In which case, as soon as you finish reading this blog post. take a drive down Prices Fork Road!

We do want to encourage everyone to make that drive soon. When you see the edge of our property, you’ll notice a brand new sign announcing to the world that it’s the site of Northstar Church’s future home! It’s so exciting to see that sign standing there, giving us a glimpse into the near future.

But don’t just drive by and think, Oh, that’s nice! No. Stop at the sign. Pull over and get out of your car. Get a selfie with the sign and let us know about it! When you post your selfie on social media, be sure to tag @northstarfamily and, if you have room, use #dontgobe! Let us know what you love about Northstar in your caption!

Stay tuned for a future post, where we’ll share the selfies we get!