Senior Celebration

News, College Ministry

Calling all seniors of Northstar! We are both excited and sad to see you graduate and move on to a new stage of life. On Sunday April 17 from 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. we are hosting a Senior Celebration to celebrate and thank you for your investment in Northstar Church. All seniors are invited to come have lunch with us and celebrate, be encouraged, and  hear advice from present and former members of Northstar for adjusting to your next stage in life while continuing to follow Christ.  This event will be hosted at the University Club located at 100 Otey Street near Squires.

Our guest speaker, Corie Carr, will talk about what it is like walking with Jesus for the long haul. You will then get to ask questions to a panel of present and former Northstar members. We encourage everyone who attends to ask questions about how to transition well, what challenges are ahead, and how to prepare for what is next. There will also be a time for you to briefly share how God has worked in your life recently as you move towards a new stage in life.

Make sure you RSVP to this event!

If you have questions about this event, please contact Megan Evans. We look forward to seeing you there!