Sermon Recap – Lessons in Confidence


“God doesn’t give you grace by the teaspoon, but by the bucket!”

I gravitated to this spiritual object lesson in Jeff’s sermon on Sunday.

How many times have I over-analyzed, critiqued, or belittled my situation and myself–all the while knowing, mind you, that God’s grace is plenty enough for the loved ones in my life or even the stranger I meet whose struggling. Yet, somehow not enough for me in that moment. How many times do I get stuck looking at my shortcomings, clouding out God’s provision. Then God patiently, lovingly takes my “sparse teaspoon of grace” perspective (pretty sure we call that sin) and dunks me in His “grace bucket” perspective! Totally immersed, then I remember what He’s done, whose I am, and how amazing it is to glorify Him in all circumstances.

As Jeff walked us through Ephesians 1:11-14, he shared that we have an inheritance, God has a plan and it involves an eternal security that cannot be shaken. His grace is enough. The more we steep ourselves in the Word of God and His truths, the more He sets our hearts and minds on Him. He offers all the confidence we need, no matter the circumstances.

If you ahven’t heard the sermon, go there now. You’ve got to check out the 11 truths about YOU in these verses! It will get your grace in perspective, I tell you. Don’t miss out on the results of having confidence in Christ through the grace we’ve been given–increased joy, a hopeful perspective, endurance, intimacy with God and others, grateful service, and a bold proclamation. You are dunked in grace, my friend.