Acts Share Service

Series: Acts On Sunday, June 11, 2017, we had a special service of worship and sharing in celebration of our Acts study. This podcast contains the stories and testimonies from the people of Northstar on that Sunday.

Acts Share Service

June 11, 2017
On Sunday, June 11, 2017, we had a special service of worship and sharing in celebration of our Acts study. This podcast contains the stories and testimonies from the people…

Acts 28:11-31 – To the Gentiles, Fully Committed

Bible Text: Acts 28:11-31 | Speaker: Jeff Noble | Series: Acts This is the last message of our Acts series. With Paul finally in Rome, his tale ends with him being under house arrest. How does his full life of ministry and mission to this point reveal a heart fully committed to Jesus? Listen in as we examine principles and …

Acts 27:1-28:10 – Anchors for the Storm

Bible Text: Acts 27:1-28:10 | Speaker: Jeff Noble | Series: Acts Acts 27 tells the harrowing adventure of Paul’s journey to Rome by ship and how a massive storm on the Mediterranean almost claimed the life of the apostle and all on the ship. Paul was encouraged by an angel, shipwrecked and snake-bit, all in this message. What can we …

Acts 25-26: The Crazy Ones

Bible Text: Acts 25-26 | Speaker: Jeff Noble | Series: Acts In Acts 25-26, Paul has an opportunity to share his testimony before a Roman governor and a King. He is called crazy for his views that Jesus is God. We learn principles for defending our own faith and being willing to be thought crazy for Christ.

Acts 24 – Saving Faith

Bible Text: Acts 24 | Speaker: Dave Farris | Series: Acts In Acts 24, Paul is on trial before Felix, the Roman governor. Felix is a compelling example of somone with spiritual curiosity that never leads to spiritual commitment. What does it mean for a person to have saving faith?

In Acts 24, Paul is on trial before Felix, the Roman governor. Felix is a compelling example of somone with spiritual curiosity that never leads to spiritual commitment. What does…

Acts 23:12-24:21 – Paul Before Felix

Bible Text: Acts 23:12-24:21 | Speaker: Darrell Cook | Series: Acts This message from Acts 23:12-24:21 examines Paul’s dtermined faith to share Jesus even from prison. His courage is a model for our own. In spite of appearances, Paul is not sidelined in prison, but God uses his faith to spread the Gospel through the writing of letters to the …

Acts 22:15-23:11 – The Resurrection of Jesus Separates (Palm Sunday)

Bible Text: Acts 22:15-23:11 | Speaker: Jeff Noble | Series: Acts In this Palm Sunday message from Acts 22-23, Paul emphasizes hope and resurrection. It leads us to focus on Jesus as our ultimate hope for forgiveness and resurrection.

Acts 21:17-25 – Paul on Defense

Bible Text: Acts 21:17-25 | Speaker: Jeff Noble | Series: Acts After completing his third missionary journey, Paul arrives in Jersualem. In this message, you’ll learn how the resulting riot is actually caused by those who want God to make much of them rather than them making much of God.

After completing his third missionary journey, Paul arrives in Jersualem. In this message, you'll learn how the resulting riot is actually caused by those who want God to make much…

Acts 21:1-16 -Weeping Over God’s Will

Bible Text: Acts 21:1-16 | Speaker: Jeff Noble | Series: Acts Wrestling with tough decision? Struggling to determine God’s will?  How do you hear God’s voice? How do you take counsel? And in taking counsel, how do you boldly proceed in faith? This message examines Paul’s bold confidence in pursuing God’s will in his life, even when other believers try …