Created & Called: Genesis 38 – The Sins of Judah and His Sons

Bible Text: Genesis 38 | Speaker: Matt Kesler | Series: Created and Called | Matt Kesler shares the story of Judah and his repeated sin and disobedience. In Genesis 38, Judah is quick to point his finger at Tamar, while not focusing on his own sin. Often times we treat sin the same way in our own lives. Judah’s integrity …

Created & Called: Genesis 37 – Joseph’s Dream

Bible Text: Genesis 37 | Speaker: Darrell Cook | Series: Created and Called | Joseph is Jacob’s favored son, but this doesn’t sit well with Joseph’s brothers. In this sermon, we examine the early life of Joseph to see how his story goes from big promises, to betrayal and isolation by and from his own family. Darrell Cook encourages listeners …

Created & Called: Genesis 34 – Jacob’s Family Troubles

Bible Text: Genesis 35 | Speaker: Jeff Noble | Series: Created and Called | As the story of his life nears its end in Genesis, Jacob’s family challenges seem to multiple. In Genesis 35, Jacob is betrayed by his eldest son, Reuben, and he experiences the death of three people very close to him;  his father and beloved wife, Rachel. …

Created & Called: Genesis 34 – Jacob, The Passive Father

Bible Text: Genesis 34 | Speaker: Jeff Noble | Series: Created and Called | The story of Jacob’s daughter, Dinah in Genesis 34 is a story about a sensitive and yet very important issue that affects our world today: sexual assault. On Father’s Day Sunday, Jeff discusses the response of Jacob to his daughter’s abuse and he offers practical and …

Created & Called: Genesis 33:1-20 – Our Vulnerability and God’s Sovereignty

Bible Text: Genesis 33:1-20 | Speaker: Matt Simpson | Series: Created and Called | We regularly attempt to hide our weaknesses from God, but as Matt Simpson points out, God’s sovereignty is often best revealed to us when we are most fragile. Jacob is fearful and wounded as he encounters his brother Esau, but he knows his ability to save …

Created & Called: Genesis 32 – Maimed and Named

Bible Text: Genesis 32 | Speaker: Jeff Noble | Series: Created and Called | As Jacob prepares to face his brother Esau for the first time in 20 years, he is afraid for his life. Jacob goes before God in prayer; he is fearful and he is humbled by his unworthiness, but he believes that God will be faithful to …

Created & Called: Genesis 29, 30 – God’s Favor

Bible Text: Genesis 29:31 – 30:43 | Speaker: Neal Nelson | Series: Created and Called | This week Neal Nelson unpacks a story of God’s intervention in Jacob’s life. As Jacob balances his family life and working for his father-in-law, Laben, God continues to show Jacob favor, even in spite of his often messy life. Neal points out that God …

Created & Called: Genesis 28, 29 – Jacob’s Waiting

Bible Text: Genesis 28, 29 | Speaker: Jeff Noble | Series: Created and Called | In Genesis 28 and 29 Jacob finds himself on the run and alone after deceiving his father and stealing his brother’s birthright.  In this sermon, Jeff looks at how Jacob learned to surrender to God and how we can likewise find joy in surrendering and …

Created & Called: Genesis 27- Doubly Duped

Bible Text: Genesis 27 | Speaker: Jeff Noble | Series: Created and Called | This sermon examines Jacob and Esau, and the ways that Jacob deceived his father to take Esau’s blessing. In Jacob’s “performance act” and through Esau’s desperation we see that God uses both for redemption, and that we can look to Jesus to be free from performing.