Created & Called: Genesis 19 – Judgment & Mercy

Bible Text: Genesis 19:1-15 | Speaker: Jeff Noble | Series: Created and Called | This message examines the judgment of Sodom and asks how Christians can live and relate in a culture that rejects God’s design and will.

Created & Called: Genesis 18:16-33 – Avoiding Cultural Conformity

Bible Text: Genesis 18: 16-33 | Speaker: Jeff Noble | Series: Created and Called | It is not a wonder that so many are judged. It is, however, a wonder that any are saved. It is only by God’s goodness and mercy. When He sees any seeking Him, He responds with abundant salvation and gracious patience.

Created & Called: Genesis 17-18 – The Permanent Promises of God

Bible Text: Genesis 17:1-18:15 | Speaker: Jeff Noble | Series: Created and Called | In this message, we examine the amplified promises of God to Abraham that make clearer that God intended Abraham to bless the world, to possess the land, and to believe that he and Sarah would have a son. All these promises were permanent. His task? To …

Genesis 16 – God Sees Me

Bible Text: Genesis 16 | Speaker: Matt Kesler | Series: Created and Called | Sometimes obeying God isn’t very easy. Sometimes it doesn’t make a lot of sense, but we have to remember that God sees us and knows what is going on. We have to make the decision to obey God, and we see that as we look at …

Genesis 15 – Faith

Bible Text: Genesis 15 | Speaker: Jeff Noble | Series: Created and Called | How can we be made right with God? How can we know that God loves us? It is by faith alone that God makes us righteous. We see this demonstrated this week as we take a look into Genesis 15.

Genesis 14: Blessings and Worship

Bible Text: Genesis 14 | Speaker: Neal Nelson | Series: Created and Called

Is worship in everything our response to God’s blessing in Christ? Are we willing to lose out on worldly wealth to make sure God receives the glory? How do we respond with worship in any situation? We hope to answer these questions this week in taking a look at Genesis 14.

Bible Text: Genesis 14 | Speaker: Neal Nelson | Series: Created and Called Is worship in everything our response to God’s blessing in Christ? Are we willing to lose out on worldly wealth to make sure God receives the glory? How do we respond with worship in any situation? We hope to answer these questions this week in taking a look at Genesis 14.

Genesis 13 – Generosity and Relational Peace

Bible Text: Genesis 13 | Speaker: Jeff Noble | Series: Created and Called

After a lapse in faith and trust in God, Abram finds himself back in the land that God both led him to and promised to establish him. Worshiping God humbles us, and it can put us back on track with God’s plans.

Created & Called: Genesis 12:10-20 – Fear and Faith

Bible Text: Genesis 12:10-20 | Speaker: Matt Simpson | Series: Created and Called

Fear is a cruel master, but the Will of God is sure. We can be unsure at times of what God is doing in our lives, but the closer we grow with Him, the more insignificant our plans seem. We learn to trust Him more.

Created & Called, Genesis 12 – Faith Revealed

Bible Text: Genesis 12:1-9 | Speaker: Jeff Noble | Series: Created and Called As our study turns to Abram, this message identifies the reality of obedience as proof of faith. The story of Abram’s call and response is both inspirational and instructive for our own, and it show us that God can be trusted to love and care for us.