Philippians 3:1-7 – Guarding Joy

Jeff reminded us this Sunday that we are saved not through works, but through faith in Christ. Our works are to reflect our changed hearts, that the love we have for Christ propels us to do works. We are to view Jesus as a treasure, that we would count everything else as loss compared to Him.

Philippians 2:25-30 – Celebrating the Sent

This week’s sermon focused on the life and sacrificial service of Epaphroditus. Jeff reminded us we should celebrate those who are “sent” to go serve God’s kingdom and recognize those who serve where they are. This Sunday we were able to recognize several members of our church body who have made our move into our building possible.

Philippians 2:19-24 – Paul and Timothy

In this message, the amazing relationship between Paul and Timothy is explored. It’s a challenge for every Christian to find someone to imitate and someone to influence. In the end, we are reminded to encourage our spiritual leaders.

Philippians 2:12 – Obedience in Light of Christ’s Lordship

This sermon highlighted Christ’s Lordship over our lives and why that motivates obedience in us. Matt points out that our Christianity cannot be another identifier, like pastor or ginger, but that our lives should be poured out as an offering in submission and obedience to Christ.

Philippians 2:9-11 – Every Name, Every Knee, Every Tongue

This week’s sermon highlights God’s authority and that we cannot make Jesus Lord of our lives because Jesus always has been Lord. His name is higher than all names. We need to be cautious of bowing to human authorities before bowing to the authority of Jesus.

Philippians 2:8 Bootstraps and Humility

Darrell’s message highlights the importance of humbling ourselves before others. It is easy for believers to see why we need to humble ourselves before the Lord. However, if we aren’t humbling ourselves before others, we are not only following Christ’s example, but we are also saying the servant is greater than the master.

Slanket Sermon – Philippians 2:6-7 – Down, Then Up

Jeff reminds us of the humility of Jesus, coming down to earth to take on human flesh. He saw equality with God not as something to be grasped, but he emptied himself. Jesus came down in order to then come up in the glory of resurrection. Jeff gives us questions to reflect on where our confidence is found – in ourselves …

Slanket Sermon – Philippians 2:5 – Attitude

This sermon focuses on how attitude is the lens through which we see life. How we react to different situations in life depends heavily on our attitude. Through surrendering our attitude, confessing it, and cooperating with the Holy Spirit, we will be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that our attitudes will reflect that of Jesus.

Philippians 2:1-4- J. O. Y.

This sermon looks at how the love that Jesus has for us should grow within us a spirit of humility, and gratitude and love for others. It is in that posture that we can begin to approach others with the gospel and the news of Jesus Christ.