Shipwrecked – A Stupendous Second Day!

Blog, Children's Ministry

Just like that, we were halfway through our week at Kids’ Camp! Can you believe it?!

We knew we would be excited to welcome all our crews back for their second evening of Shipwrecked – Northstar Kids’ Camp 2018! But we were even more thrilled to welcome new kids who weren’t with us on our first night! Oh, and we didn’t get hit with any rain! Not a single drop!

The theme for last night was all about worry. Rather, how we don’t have to worry, because Jesus rescues us from our worries. Check out the video below for an idea of what a great time we’re all having this week! After that, head over here to see all the photos we’re gathering from our week together!

Tonight is our last regular night of camp before we wrap it all up with the Family Experience tomorrow night! We can’t wait to see you there!