Shipwrecked – A Thrilling Third Day!

Blog, Children's Ministry

Can you believe it’s almost over?!

It’s crazy to think that only a few days ago, we began this crazy adventure called Shipwrecked! How is it already Thursday?!

We run into this every year… Our camp days just fly by because we’re all having such an amazing time together that, before we all know it, it’s time for our Thursday night Family Experience!

That’s happening tonight! It’s our chance to show all of our parents just what the kids have been experiencing at Kids’ Camp all week long. They’ll get to hear a story similar to the ones the kids have heard. They’ll listen to the songs that their kids have been singing each evening. And we’ll all get to sit down and have some pretty delicious food together!

But before we get to that, take some time to watch the video showing off some of what we did last night! Remember, if you want to take a look at all of the photos we’ve gathered throughout the week, click here!