Spain Missions Trip

News, GAP, Be The Church, College Ministry


Northstar will take a short-term mission trip to San Sebastian, Spain from January 7-17 to minister to the Basque people.

The Basque people are considered an Unreached People Group (UPG) according to the International Mission Board (IMB), which means that they have little or no access to the gospel.

Northstar has partnered with some other ministries, to help make the gospel accessible to this people group.

According to the some statistics, the Basque people are one of the least evangelized groups in Western Europe. Of the 3 million Basque people, less than 1 percent identifies themselves as believers.

Nick Smirniotopoulos, Northstar missions team member, will lead a team of approximately six people to Spain.

“The goal for the trip is really to bolster the ministry that is going on already and help in any way we can,” Smirniotopoulos said.

The trip will likely be centered around conversational English classes, but other activities like university ministry and visiting local schools are also possibilities.

In addition to ministering to the gospel in Spain, Smirniotopoulos hopes that the trip impacts Northstar as well.

“I would love to see us as a body start to really embrace world missions,” he said. “It’s not just about going, but about being missional every day with the opportunities you’ve been given. It’s about bringing God the glory in everything we do.”

Please be in prayer as this team is established and sent off. Pray for the ministry in San Sebastian and for God to go before the team and soften the hearts of the people to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.