Staff Spotlight: Meet Adam Wilson


Hello! Thank you for checking out the first “Staff Spotlight” here on the Northstar blog. These regular posts are aimed at helping you learn more about the staff here at Northstar Church. We are blessed to have a staff consisting of passionate, loving, and Christ-focused people.Adam and Jen Wilson

For this week’s post, we are pleased to introduce to you our Minister of College and Discipleship, Adam Wilson. Adam is an amazing man who really invests well in the lives of others. He is a “bro” with an incredible sense of fashion and is an encouragement to many. Enjoy learning more about this special member of our staff and church family.

How long have you been a part of the staff at Northstar and what did you do before?

I worked on Cru at Virginia Tech’s staff for three years prior to joining the staff at Northstar in June 2013.

How would you describe your family?

Right now my immediate family is Jenn, Lacey (our lab), and our little baby girl nugget in the womb. Jenn is an incredibly gifted, wise, laid back and fun wife. We get a lot of fulfillment being outside together or hitting up some coffee dates. Our family is very relational and we love to use our home as a place for people to stay and hang out. People sometimes call it “Hotel Wilson”. Super pumped to have our newest addition to the family!

If time and money were not factors, what would a week vacation look like to you?

A vacation with Jenn: We would rent a private yacht and sail to Bora Bora and spend a couple weeks in one of those huts on the water, mostly hanging out in the sun but also doing some fun adventures

With some bros: I would spend a couple weeks fly fishing in New Zealand for trout and visiting some Lord of the Rings sites!

If you could attend any Olympic event, what would it be?


If Jeff Noble was a professional wrestler, what would his wrestler name be?Adam and Jen

The De-Nobler!

What is one of your favorite memory’s from your time here at Northstar?

One is definitely my ordination Sunday last spring. I loved getting to have my family at Northstar for a time that was really impactful for me as I got to reflect on where God has brought me up to this point.

In what ways are you invested at Northstar?

I love getting to invest in the men I disciple personally as we grow together in Christ. Two other areas I’m invested in is seeing the D28 process flourish as others learn to make disciples and launching our college ministry, Connect is a big one.

Describe the community at Northstar.

Genuine, flexible, family.

What is your favorite Bible verse?

“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.” (2 Peter 1:3-4 ESV)


If you see Adam at Northstar on Sunday mornings, be sure to say “hey” and thank him for serving our church and the community at large!