Staff Spotlight: Meet Dave


Pastor Dave Farris & his wife, MandyIf you haven’t met Dave Farris in person yet, you’ll definitely want to. He is extremely easy going and friendly with a heart on fire for Jesus and spreading The Gospel. He is the lead pastor at Northstar-Pulaski and can also be found playing percussion in the worship band. He leads Northstar Pulaski and serves the community with a strong emphasis on the phrase, “Don’t go to church, be the church.” These words are more than just a motto with Dave, they are words to live by and live out on a day-to-day basis. We are thankful for Dave’s leadership and love for The Lord, we hope you  enjoy getting to know him better!

How long have you worked at Northstar and what did you do before?

My family has been at Northstar since December 2009. Before becoming a part of the Northstar staff, I was a youth pastor for 12 years. I attended seminary at Cincinnati Christian University before moving back to Christiansburg in 2009. From 2001-2005, I helped start a church in Charlotte as the youth pastor. That experience is what put church planting on my heart.

How would you describe your family?

Hmmm…my family is as quirky as the next, but we are spontaneous, adventurous, tight-knit, & fun.

If you could only eat three foods for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Salmon sushi, Jack Links Beef Sticks, Butterfinger blizzards

If time and money were not factors, what would a week vacation look like to you?

Without kids, it would be a Mediterranean cruise

With kids, it would be at mountain resort out in Colorado somewhere

What actor/actress would play you in a movie about your life?

Steve Buscemi

Who is your favorite Bible character?


What is one of your favorite memories from your time here at Northstar?

At our Blacksburg campus it was the first outdoor service we held in the football field.

In Pulaski it is Easter 2015 when I was able to baptize my son!

How has your time at Northstar impacted your walk with Christ?

Just to say I am not the same person as I was 6 years ago, when I joined the Northstar Staff, doesn’t even do it justice.

Describe the community at Northstar.

From my perspective our community is generous, hospitable, & loving toward each other.

What is your favorite bible verse?

I have always struggled with this question because different verses have impacted me differently depending on the season of life I am going through. Currently, Psalm 121:1-2:

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.”