Staff Spotlight: Meet Julie Jewel


Hello! Thank you for checking out “Staff Spotlight” here on the Northstar blog. These regular posts are aimed at helping you learn more about the staff here at Northstar Church. We are blessed to have a staff consisting of passionate, loving, and Christ-focused people.

For this week’s post, we are excited to introduce to you our Children’s Ministry Director, Julie Jewell. Julie is one of the friendliest people we know with a huge heart and a love for children and their families. We thankful for how she chooses to serve our church and community with her gifts. Julie Jewel, Children's Minister

How long have you worked at Northstar and what did you do before?

I’ve worked at Northstar for about 2 years, before that I was a classroom teacher in Kindergarten and 3rd grade then a reading specialist for kids in 3rd-5th grade.

How would you describe your family?

I’ve been married to my husband Charlie for 10 years on July 23rd!  God knew exactly what I needed and truly gave me what I prayed for in a husband. Our daughter Claire is almost 3, she has changed our lives in an amazing way. She keeps us on our toes and adds a ton of joy to our lives!

 If you could only eat three foods for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Chocolate, coffee, and ice cream.

What actor/actress would play you in a movie about your life?

Renee Zellweger – I love her in Bridget Jones’ Diary – she’s probably a lot cooler than me but I like her.

If you could attend any Olympic event, what would it be?

I actually used to row in high school, so I’d love to see rowing – again. I was actually able to see that event at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta.

If Jeff Noble was a professional wrestler, what would his wrestler name be?

“The Screamer” – he’s always walking into my office and screaming. He thinks it’s hilarious to watch me jump out of my chair.

What is one of your favorite memories from your time here at Northstar?

I would have to say that anytime I talk with a child who has decided to accept Jesus as their Savior it is a “favorite”. There is nothing better than that.

Describe the Northstar community.

Active, innovative, kind-hearted, genuine.

What is your favorite Bible verse?

It isn’t just one verse, but I love all of Pslam 139 because it talks about how intimately God knows us and how much He loves us.