Staff Spotlight: Meet Megan


What is your name and your job title? Megan Evans

Megan Evans, Administrative Assistant

How long have you worked at Northstar and what did you do before?

I’ve been working at Northstar for 2 months. Before I started working here, I worked in the quality assurance department for a materials testing lab, formulated shampoo and worked as a research and development technician for a company that manufactured companion animal products, and I worked in quality assurance and research and development for a company that manufactured medical diagnostic tests.

How would you describe your family?

Right now, my family is small. It is just me, my husband John, and our dog Winston. I think I would use the word crazy to describe us; the good kind of crazy though.

If time and money were not factors, what would a week vacation look like to you?

I would love to go back to Hawaii. It is so beautiful and peaceful. I would read a lot more on this trip than the last and I would hopefully get to go hiking on a volcano!

If you could only eat three foods for the rest of your life, what would they be?

That’s a really tough question because I love food. I guess it would have to be Frosted Flakes, bacon, and french fries.

What actor/actress would play you in a movie about your life?

Molly Shannon. She does a great job playing parts that are funny and weird and she would need to be both to play me accurately.

If Jeff Noble was a professional wrestler, what would his wrestler name be?

MacDaddy Noble
What is one of your favorite memories from your time here at Northstar?

In the days leading up to MOVE Summer Kids Camp, I spent a lot of time helping Kaylee and Julie get ready. We were mainly organizing supplies for each day of camp, but it was a lot of fun to be able to talk and joke with Julie and Kaylee while we were working.

How has your time at Northstar impacted your walk with Christ?

I think my time here at Northstar has opened my eyes to a totally different side of the church. Since I started working here, I spend more time praying for the Staff Team, personally but also for their ministries and their success. I also think that working here has helped me really understand the importance of quiet time and I’m working to prioritize that over chores, exercise, or other distractions that get in the way.

In what ways are you “invested” at Northstar?

I serve on the set up and tear down teams for Sundays. I also recently completed training to be a Stephen Minister. I enjoy serving in the church because serving with people is an easy way for me to get to know others.

Describe the community at Northstar.

I think the Northstar community is like a big family. I remember the first Sunday I ever attended Northstar and I was so amazed at how welcoming and friendly everyone was and I still feel the same way.

What is your favorite bible verse?

Psalm 139: 13-14. These verses remind me that no matter what kind of pressure I’m feeling from the world, I was fearfully and wonderfully made by a loving God.