Staff Spotlight: Neal Nelson


We are extremely excited to introduce you to our Associate Pastor, Neal Nelson. He is an easy-going, outdoor-loving, family man, with a huge heart for the Lord. Enjoy this inside scoop on Neal!
Neal Nelson, Associate Pastor

How long have you worked at Northstar and what did you do before?

I have been with Northstar for one year. Prior to that I worked as a college campus pastor at Henderson State University and was also a co-pastor at a local church in Arkadelphia, Arkansas for the last 15 years.

Do you think anything about your role at Northstar would surprise people?

I don’t think most folks at Northstar know what I do but it might surprise them that every day is different. I never know what I might need to do when I come to work.

How would you describe your family?

My wife Teresa and I have 6 children between the ages of 17 and 1. I was just thinking the other day during a meal time that eating with our family is like being at a “family reunion” with all the noise and commotion and talking. Our family life is never dull, there is always a lot of laughing, crying, and movement.

If time and money were not factors, what would a week vacation look like to you?

I would be outdoors fishing or hunting somewhere I haven’t been yet.

If you could only eat three foods for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Bacon, sausage, and pork. To clarify, I’m not a vegetarian.

If Jeff Noble was a professional wrestler, what would his wrestler name be?

The Clapper because he has this habit of a single loud clap when he is ready to end a meeting, it has power.

Who is your favorite Bible character?


What is one of your favorite memories from your time here at Northstar?

Staying with the Beyers for four months before my family moved here.

How has your time at Northstar impacted your walk with Christ?

Jeff really leads the staff to pray about everything, his example has impacted my attitude about prayer.

In what ways are you “invested” at Northstar?

Hopefully I am invested in every aspect of Northstar even if it just a listening and encouraging role but mostly I been invested in small group leaders and Discovering Northstar, our membership class.

How would you describe the Northstar community to someone that has never attended?

Interdependent family, intelligent, active

What is your favorite bible verse?

“…and what you a have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.”  2 Timothy 2:2