Passion Week Devotional: Easter Sunday


This entry is part 8 of 8 in the series Passion Week Devotionals 2020

There is so much about the days that we have been walking through in the past month that leave us wanting more. More freedom, more opportunities, and more face to face connections just to name a few.  Most churches usually swell to their highest attendance on Easter Sunday, yet today we look at the same familiar walls at home while …

Passion Week Devotional: Friday


This entry is part 6 of 8 in the series Passion Week Devotionals 2020

The Irony in Jesus’ Approach to Power Earlier this week, as I was driving back from Richmond, I came across a podcast titled With a Politician by Tim Keller: a sermon based on Luke 23:1-25. In a day and age where it seems that our politics and religion go hand and hand, it is difficult to decipher how Jesus approaches …

Passion Week Devotional: Thursday


This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series Passion Week Devotionals 2020

Even Rocks Can Crumble It was Thursday evening in an upper room in Jerusalem. Jesus and his twelve disciples were gathered around a table to celebrate the Passover – or so they thought. The evening started off already being different with Jesus taking a servant’s place and washing the feet of all of His disciples. Following the foot washing, Jesus …

Passion Week Devotional: Monday


This entry is part 3 of 8 in the series Passion Week Devotionals 2020

Jesus and the Religious Leaders at Passover Like every Passover during Jesus’ life, Jerusalem was full of pious Roman Jews coming from hundreds of miles in every direction. Roman authority was there too but only because their presence would ensure civility among the large crowds. The Jewish council of religious authorities, known as the Sanhedrin, was prominent that week, truly …