Celebrating Ten Years with Jeff


This past Sunday, we were able to celebrate Jeff Noble’s ten year anniversary as our pastor.

So much has changed in the past ten years. We sometimes take the time for granted, but that was like, ten iPhones ago. Think about the last time you saw somebody using an iPhone 4… and then remember that the iPhone 4 didn’t even exist when Jeff joined Northstar. People were still on their iPhone 3Gs game.

The point is that Jeff has been our pastor at Northstar for ten years! Over these past ten years, we have seen people come and go, lives change, and tons of growth as a church. We are grateful to have seen so many decisions for Christ and those people taking the next steps in pursuing their faith. We have seen baptisms, new members, new staff, and new ministries. We have even seen construction taking place on our very own building, something that ten years ago might have seemed impossible.

We are so thankful for Jeff and the impact his leadership has had on this church. We have no way of knowing where we would be as a church if he wasn’t our leader, but it doesn’t matter. We’re thankful for where we are at now and are excited for the future. Here is hoping for ten more great years.

Please enjoy this video that several members of Northstar were gracious enough to help with. And if you see Jeff in the coming days, please tell him that you appreciate him… even though his dad jokes are really, really bad. 😉