Think to Change: Fellowship


Fellowship: A place where the worst of you can be known and you can be loved more, not less.

Brooke Beyer, a valued member of our church and one of our D28 leaders, gave Sunday’s message about Fellowship. This topic is one that is particularly near and dear to his heart. He started the message by recalling a time he was at his lowest and the way in which authentic fellowship with other believers lifted him up and encouraged him through that struggle.

Our focus on fellowship was a continuation of our summer Think to Change series. Last week we learned about believing in the Triune God.  Fellowship is the behavior we should display in response to that belief. Fellowship is a word used often in scripture to mean authentic, loving relationship. After all, the Triune God is our perfect example of fellowship. Since we are created in God’s image, as is revealed in Genesis 1:27, we should therefore engage in 6-21inside (1)fellowship.

Our focal passage for this message was Acts 2:42-47

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

Brooke walked us through the when, why, and how of fellowship– as well as what to do next.

What was the first instance of deep fellowship in the New Testament?

  • When we hear about fellowship in Acts 2:42-47 it is after Jesus had been crucified and raised from the dead. It is also after the ascension, when Jesus went to join the Father in Heaven. The Holy Spirit was then sent to dwell within us. It is because of the Holy Spirit that we are able to have fellowship with each other.

Why should we fellowship?

  • Fellowshipping with believers is not the end goal
  • Fellowship with God is the ultimate goal
  • Through fellowship we will encourage one another (Hebrews 3:13)Fellowship Sermon
  • Through fellowship we will speak truth into each other’s lives
  • We were created to do life together, as one body

How do we fellowship?

  • Study God’s Word (Acts 2:42)
  • Interact with one another with authenticity (1 John 5:7, James 5:16)
  • Take care of each other’s needs (Acts 2:45)
    • This often requires sacrifice
    • It also requires allowing yourself to be loved and showing vulnerability. If others don’t know your needs they won’t be able to help meet them.
  • Break bread together (yay food!) (Acts 2:46)
  • Praying and worshipping together (Acts 2:47)

What do I do next?

  • Prayerfully consider whom God has brought into your life to fellowship with
  • Get together with that person or persons
    • Coffee, dinner, go for a walk, etc.
  • Be intentional in your conversations and time
    • Prayer, worship, authentically sharing, accountability, spending time in the Word
  • Take are of each other’s needs
  • Come to Big Small Group on Wednesday night

We encourage you to listen to this podcast in its entirety if you missed Brooke’s sermon. Also, join us next week as we complete this three-part series about the Triune God with a sermon on becoming a person love.